The Importance of Finding the Right Support for Your Child’s Development
Part 2 – Speech Therapist
For a parent, there is nothing more important than making sure that all of your child’s needs are met in the very best way possible. This includes making sure that you have the right support in place, but more importantly choosing the right professional for your child.

The Importance of Finding the Right Support for Your Child’s Development
Part 1 – Physiotherapist
I know first-hand how difficult it is to know where to turn, and who to turn to, when you realise that your precious little one might need some additional support. The first step is of course always to speak to your doctor or a paediatrician…

Celebrating Small Victories: Positive Moments with Children with Joint Hypermobility and Low Muscle Tone
You will know from my previous blog that I am a proud mum to two wonderful boys, one of whom has joint hypermobility. Shortly after I found out my younger son had joint hypermobility, I was told by his paediatric physiotherapist that he also had low muscle tone…

Understanding and Managing Joint Hypermobility in Children: A Guide by a Mum Who Has Been There
I am a mum to 2 beautiful boys. When my younger son was diagnosed with joint hypermobility by a paediatrician at 16 months old, I was scared, confused and above all, worried for him…